Annual Awards
Each year PAR presents three awards to recognize members’ unique contributions to the profession and to the organization. Winners are announced at the Fall Business Meetings. Awards criteria are established and updated by the PAR Board of Directors. Deadline for nominations is July 1st of each year.

Realtor® of the Year Award

Lifetime Achievement Award

Realtor® Active in Politics Award
Realtor® of the Year Award
The Realtor® of the Year Award is the greatest honor bestowed upon a Realtor® by their peers at the state level. The award recognizes a Realtor® for meritorious contributions to the advancement of their profession and the real estate community at large.
The purpose of the Award is to: recognize outstanding Realtor® members of our Association for the effort and work expended in the interest of their fellow Realtors®, their profession, and the real estate community at large; demonstrate the outstanding work done by Realtors® to the general public; identify those Realtors® best suited for leadership positions; and foster a spirit of camaraderie among those who are in a position to do much of the productive work in local associations/boards, the state association, and the national association.
All Pennsylvania Realtor® and Realtor-Associate® members are eligible for nomination (the award is not limited to Designated Realtors®).
Application/Selection Procedure
- The nomination shall be submitted by the applicant to PAR. PAR will then send the application to the nominees local association President and Association Executive for consideration and approval.
- Nominees may be carried over and reconsidered for the award for two years, with updates to the nominee’s application provided as necessary.
- Each year the current PAR President will appoint an anonymous committee, giving consideration to equitable geographic representation, to review all nominations and make the final selection for the PAR Realtor® of the Year Award. The Committee will be chaired by the previous year’s recipient and shall include no more than five members (the chair plus four additional members).
- The award will be presented to the best-qualified candidate at the PAR Awards Reception held during the Fall Business Meetings, and the individual will be honored at the National Association of Realtors® Awards Luncheon during the National Convention.
Nomination Deadline
All nominations must be received at PAR by July 1. Any application received after the deadline will be ineligible for consideration.
Realtor® of the Year Award Recipients
2023 Bill Festa
2022 Eric Rehling
2021 J. Reed Pirain
2020 Todd Umbenhauer
2019 Kathleen McQuilkin
2018 Melanie McLane
2017 Ron Croushore
2016 Frank Jacovini
2015 Jerry Speer
2014 Bette McTamney
2013 Allan Domb
2012 Bob Hay
2011 Suzanne Gruneberg
2010 Greg Herb
2009 Jerry Romanik
2008 Guy Matteo
2007 Melissa Sieg
2006 Dominic Cardone
2005 George Naylor
2004 Ellen Renish
2003 Robert Fleck
2002 Stanley Lesniak
2001 James L. Helsel Jr.
2000 Janice C. Smarto
1999 Rita Halverson
1998 Richard Stampahar
1997 Alfred Ruffolo
1996 Frank B. Capone
1995 Sandra L. Stevens
1994 Richard J. Manning
1993 Timothy S. Karr
1992 Jack L. Rawlings
1991 Joseph E. Sindoni
1990 Sally G. Heimbrook
1989 J.W.C. Morgan Jr.
1988 Leonard B. Mower
1987 Thaddeus K. Stevens
1986 Gerald F. Fisher
1985 Daniel K. Lamb
1984 Robert C. Gerhard
1983 Herbert J. Bellairs
1982 Charles Kahn Jr.
1981 I. Marvin Miller
1980 William A. Lockhart Jr.
1979 J. Alvin Hawbaker
1978 J.C. McCleery
1977 John J. McDermott
1976 John T. Welsh
1975 William K. Parsons
1974 William Parks
1973 James L. Helsel Sr.
1972 Albert McCrumb
1971 John W. Fielding
1970 J. Carroll Molloy Jr.
1969 Carl H. Schmitt
1968 Beatrice Marshall
1967 Ben G. Helsel
1966 Joseph Klock
1965 Samuel D. Peterson
1964 Robert Kratz
1963 Thomas J.G. Leis
1962 William K. Hamburg
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes an individual who has significantly contributed to the Realtor® organization.
Nominees must:
- Be a Realtor® or Realtor®-Associate member.
- Have at least 25 years of service to PAR.
- Continue to participate or have participated at PAR.
- Have been recognized as a local leader whose performance of service and involvement in political and/or community activities is extraordinary; including leadership positions in the local, state, and national association, as well as Institutes, Societies, and Councils.
Application/Selection Procedure
- Nominations can be self nominated and mailed to PAR. PAR will then send to local association to have either President or Association Executive sign off on the application.
- Nominees may be carried over and reconsidered for the award for two years, with updates to the nominee’s application provided as necessary.
- Each year the current PAR President will appoint an anonymous committee, giving consideration to equitable geographic representation, to review all nominations and make the final selection for the PAR Lifetime Achievement Award. The Committee will be chaired by the previous year’s Award recipient and shall include no more than five members (the chair plus four additional members).
- The award will be presented to the best-qualified candidate at the PAR Awards Reception held during the Fall Business Meetings.
Nomination Deadline
All nominations must be received at PAR by July 1. Any application received after the deadline will be ineligible for consideration.
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients
2023 Greg Herb
2022 George Raad
2021 Robert Freeman
2020 Randy Myer
2019 Carol Palomera
2018 Shirley Boyd McNamara
2017 Jerry Romanik
2016 E. Leonard Ferber
2015 William Lublin
2014 Harrison “Bud” Tyson
2013 Jack Rawlings
2012 Don Roth
2011 Bette McTamney
2010 Anne Matyjasik
2008 Jim Helsel
2007 Sally Heimbrook
2006 Robert J. Fleck
2005 Janice C. Smarto
2004 Charles “Chip” Roach
2003 John F. Capers
2002 Jerry Y. Speer
2001 Carl Griffith Jr.
2000 Joy L. O’Donnell
1999 Kenneth Halverson
1998 James Cassidy
1997 Ellen B. Renish
1996 Robert C. Hay
1995 Joan Conrad
1994 Geraldine Smith
1993 Quina Price
1992 Flora Rubin
1991 Joy L. O’Donnell
1990 Gary K. Maurer
1989 Edith MacIntire
1988 Dominic Cardone
1987 Barbara Kahn
1986 Carolyn Eagan
1985 Jo M. Barnett
1984 Barbara A. Capone
1983 Anne M. Poraczky
1982 Furman H. Gyger Jr.
1981 Edward Steinmetz
1980 Gerardus Clarkson Jr.
1979 Lillian C. Williams
1978 Stephen R. Moyer
1977 Jack Rawlings
1976 Marguerite Barrett
1975 Samuel Arena
1974 “Phil” Catalfamo
1973 Richard Humpton VI
1972 Arthur Steven Parsons
1971 William Lemish
Realtor® Active in Politics Award
The Realtor® Active in Politics (RAP) Award recognizes an individual who has significantly advanced the legislative agenda of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® through political involvement.
All Realtor® and Realtor®-Associate members are eligible for nomination. Current appointed or elected public officials do not qualify.
Application/Selection Procedure
- Nominations shall be submitted by the applicant to PAR. PAR will then send the application to the nominees local association President and Association Executive for consideration and approval.
- Nominees may be carried over and reconsidered for the award for two years, with updates to the nominee’s application provided as necessary.
- Each year the current PAR President will appoint an anonymous committee, giving consideration to equitable geographic representation, to review all nominations and make the final selection for the PAR RAP of the Year Award. The Committee will be chaired by the previous year’s recipient and shall include no more than five members (the chair plus four additional members).
- The award will be presented to the best-qualified candidate at the PAR Awards Reception held during the September Business Meetings.
Nomination Deadline
All nominations must be received at PAR by July 1. Any application received after the deadline will be ineligible for consideration.
Realtor® Active in Politics Recipients
2023 Jim Jarrett
2022 Lisa Sanderson
2021 Aimee Buehner
2020 Mark Mohn
2019 Cheryl Rawlings
2018 Adrienne “Abe” Wagner
2017 David Dean
2016 Andrew Donohue
2015 Ron Croushore
2014 Larry Hatter
2013 James L. Helsel Jr.
2012 Greg Herb
2011 Kathleen McQuilkin
2010 Ellen Renish
2009 Todd Polinchock & Jerry Speer
2008 Janice Smarto
2007 George Raad
2006 Diane DeBaise
2005 Dominic Cardone
2004 Robert Hay
2003 Kimberly Skumanick
2002 Robert Epps
2001 Dino Bello
2000 E. Leonard Ferber, Jr.
1999 Guy Matteo
1998 John “Jack” Kennedy
1997 John Petrack
1996 Richard Stampahar