Pa. and Real Estate Industry Rank High in Discipline Study

When it comes to being consistent, dedicated and regimented, Pennsylvania Realtors® might fall in line at the top, suggests a study by Preply, which determined the most disciplined states, cities and industries nationwide.

With a discipline score of 9.5 out of 10, Pennsylvania ranked as the most disciplined state in the country. Pennsylvanians are also most disciplined in these areas of life:

  • Dedicating time to hobbies
  • Managing their personal time
  • Dedicating time to family

Philadelphia is also the fourth most-disciplined city overall, with a score of 6.5.

On the list of industries with the most disciplined workers, real estate ranks third with a score of 7.7, falling behind only construction (8.9) and manufacturing (8.2). Workers in these industries were found to be best at making deadlines, being punctual and having healthy, consistent habits. Of all the industries studied, real estate workers were found to be the most disciplined about maintaining their physical health.

The study found that 3 in 4 Americans attribute their career success to discipline, and the top three motivators for having good habits and routines were maintaining physical health (75.2%), mental health (73.0%) and finances (63.6%).

Overall, the areas of life in which Americans are most disciplined are:

  1. Hygiene (66.4%)
  2. Work punctuality and deadlines (59.0%)
  3. Financial management (45.5%)
  4. Family time (39.1%)
  5. Mental health (32.7%)


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