Marking PAR’s 100th Anniversary: Past President Frank Jacovini

Editor’s note: The Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. As part of our Member Profile feature, we’ll be highlighting some of the Realtors® who have served as president of the organization.

Name: Frank Jacovini
Company: RE/MAX 440, Philadelphia
Years in real estate: 28 years
Local association: Greater Philadelphia Association of Realtors®
Year served: 2012 president

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
I would probably tell myself to get into real estate sooner. I was in my 30s when I got my start. I think starting out in your mid-20s or even younger would be a great time to start in the industry.

Why should agents get involved in their local, state and national associations?
One of the primary reasons Realtors® should get involved in their local, state and national associations is for the education.  I believe that my involvement at the local, state and national associations provided me with an education that I couldn’t have bought. You learn so much while you’re attending a meeting with certain people and they put issues into context while you’re attending the business meetings of the associations. You hear from a range of different speakers and presenters and much of that is all free to the members who attend the business meetings. You build up a knowledge base after attending the meetings and it’s helped me become a better professional.

What advice would you give someone who was thinking of moving up through the offices in PAR?
I would tell members running for office to get involved and go ahead and do it. The time commitment isn’t as strenuous as many may think. With today’s technology, you can still conduct your business professionally, even when you’re on the road. Becoming an officer is well worth the investment of your time and it’s certainly an experience you’ll never forget.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in the real estate market since you started?
The biggest change I’ve seen in the real estate industry is actually technology. I guess that’s the easiest answer, but it really has made a huge difference in our business. When I started out, we had MLS books for listings. There were no computers or technology. The biggest shift in our industry truly was the advent of the internet and technology, which has taken hold in our industry and made effective changes.

Do you think the environment or technology will have a bigger impact on real estate in the next 100 years?
I think technology will continue to play a large role in our industry, more so than the environment.


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