Add curb appeal with five easy landscaping projects

114338037According to the 2013 Remodeling Cost vs. Value Report, gardening and landscaping efforts pay off; curb appeal projects are rated among the most valuable home improvement projects.

A pleasing exterior with well-groomed shrubbery can really make a home stand out, according to, the award-winning, free source of information and tools from the National Association of Realtors® (NAR).

HouseLogic offers these five easy landscaping projects to ramp up curb appeal on a home:

  1. Install rigid flowerbed edging: A crisp edge where the lawn meets the flowerbeds looks great and eases mowing. Opt for rigid edging — the flexible plastic stuff looks amateurish from day one. Use a charged garden hose to lay out a smooth curve.
  2. Add an earth berm: Create an eye-catching front yard feature by shaping a few cubic yards of topsoil into an undulating berm. Topped off with mulch, groundcover, and bushes, a berm adds interest and buffers street noise. Use a charged hose to outline the berm. Remove sod a couple of feet in from the perimeter. Add a few mounds, but max out at three feet high.
  3. Build a wall for a raised bed: A stacked flagstone wall for your raised beds has an old-world look that mellows any landscape. Begin by laying out the wall with stakes and mason’s line. Tamp a level bed of sand for the first course. As you add courses, stagger joints at least three inches. Set each course back ¼-inch so the wall leans backward slightly. Once finished, back the wall with landscaping fabric before filling with topsoil.
  4. Install a flagstone path: For a welcoming addition to the yard, add a flagstone pathway. Use a charged garden hose to mark a meandering path about three feet wide. Arrange flagstones within the path so they are two to four inches apart and mark their location with sprinkled flour.
  5. Add a brick tree surround: Installing a masonry surround for a tree eases mowing and looks great. All it takes is digging a circular trench, adding some sand, and installing brick or stone.

HouseLogic also helps homeowners avoid landscaping pitfalls with resources like 11 Trees You Should Never Plant in Your Yard. This slideshow highlights trees that are sometimes more trouble than they’re worth and can help owners make more informed decisions when deciding what trees to plant.

For more information, visit


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