Generating new leads

Generating new leads is a constant goal for most Realtors®.

But are you utilizing every tactic you can be today? Embracing technology can really propel your business to the next level. Andrew Gale of FlyerCo offered five suggestions to generate more online leads for your business.

1. Create Shorter Contact Forms and Better Calls to Action

There are probably a million different ways you can modify your calls to action (CTAs) and contact forms. Even though there’s typically very little text and form fields needed, you can always make your forms more effective for converting leads.

For one, they need lead capture forms need to be visual appealing to your visitors. If there are too many fields, it will appear overwhelming and turn them away.

According to Quick Sprout, a form with just three fields, first name, last name and email, improves lead form conversion by about 25 percent.

2. Alter Existing Landing Pages and Create New Ones

Your CTAs need to lead to various landing pages.

The more landing pages you have, the better your chances of capturing high-quality leads. This lead generation tactic has been tested over and over again.

Create multiple landing pages for your real estate lead generation strategy.

Conduct A/B testing using various layouts, page element positioning, imagery and other visuals on the pages. This will help you figure out what tactics convert best.

3. Improve Website Branding Tactics

Real estate branding is about much more than a cool logo for your business cards and website.

When it comes to online marketing, it’s about building a brand your local market recognizes at a glance, and grows to trust.

You can start this process by simply displaying your agency’s contact information on the site. This gives it more online credibility.

Be sure to include your social media networks as well.

4. Simplify Navigation

When users can’t find what they’re looking for on your site quickly, they’ll generally leave and look elsewhere.

Make sure your site’s navigational structure is organized, and actually makes sense.

Be sure to test your URLs too. Your “About” page should never lead to “Page Not Found.” Links should also be clearly identifiable.

In other words, a link titled “Market News” should not link to a sales page for a new listing.

5. Consistently Publish High-Quality Content

It’s very unlikely that a quick read of your latest blog post will cause a person to hire you as an agent immediately.

If you blog the right way, you will captivate your audience and get them to trust your word as a local professional. And, of course, the more credibility you have in real estate, the more successful you’ll be as an agent.

Create a blogging schedule, and stick to it. Get into a routine of publishing relevant, unique real estate blog content regularly, so your audience knows when to expect it.

Remember, when people search online for real estate agents, they use terms like “homes for sale in Philadelphia.” So, make sure to use keywords of value so your target market can find your real estate brand online.


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